Sunday, June 13, 2010

At the airport

Airports are amazing! It’s always a “hurry up and wait” situation. Everyone is in a hurry to get checked in and then rush like herded cattle through security only to have ample time to sit at the gate. In fact, this time I breezed right through security and forgot to turn around to wave goodbye to my family...sorry about that guys. As previously stated, there is then plenty of time to sit at the gate. It’s funny to watch individuals who don’t travel much or haven’t quite learned the most efficient way to pack. For instance, the women who wear heels and miniskirts but then complain about their feet hurting or having to walk to fast. I really feel sorry for the men that accompany them. While their women may look nice, they sure aren’t happy. I know when I started traveling I wasn’t the most efficient packer but I knew better than to wear uncomfortable clothes for the trip. I always love getting to the airport LONG before my flight time. This may sound strange but it’s a great time to accomplish two things: 1. relax and 2. people watch. It is a great time to just sit. You’re pretty much trapped once you get in and everything is too expensive to go shopping to it’s almost a forced down time. If I get bored having down time, there is a wide variety of people in the airport and it’s a true testament to God’s creating us individually. The differences are fun to observe. For instance, just a couple of minutes ago there was a mad dash to the window because some luggage had caught on fire...I’m just glad it wasn’t the plane. There is a group of guys huddled around a computer watching a movie, tons of military wondering around, elderly people talking about going to visit kids or grandkids, high school kids walking back and forth on what appears to be their first time at an airport. There are also families traveling with children. As I watch mothers push their children in strollers and struggle with multiple bags full of toys and diaper, I remind myself, if I ever have children, never to travel with them unless they are able to carry their own things. Hopefully I’ll have this blog to look back and remind myself of this. What’s amazing this year is that the world cup is taking place in South Africa. Now, I don’t follow soccer, but the excitement in the air is contagious. The airport has the games playing on the tvs and everyone is huddled around. Every now and then you can hear a cheer coming from down the hall. It’s also extremely obvious who does this on a regular basis. They are the business men and women who dress so neatly and pack so concisely. They walk with such confidence and knowledge through the airport as if it’s the office. The most fun part of the airport experience is the encounter with the airport employees. It’s a surprise as to what kind of attitude they will have. Some smile and are as friendly as can be while others would rather talk to a wall than give you a “Hello”. Now I know this happens at other places but it’s a little unnerving when you are going to board a large aircraft that will be suspended in the air for 9 hours. A smile or a “Hello” can go a long way.

What’s even more amazing is that no matter how many time I’ve done this, I still get nervous before boarding. I wonder if I’ll get sick, who will be sitting next to me, will there be turbulence, what if there’s a delay, will the food be edible, etc. I guess it’s good that I’m still worried when traveling but I sure wish it would get a little easier. Another hard part is having the family bring me to the airport. Then we have to go through the tearful goodbyes. I just gave my mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law a hug before going through security and it was like I was leaving forever. They didn’t cry this much when I left for a full year and this trip is only a few weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I feel truly blessed to have people who care enough to worry about me but when they get emotional, I get emotional. All in all, I love traveling and am always in wonderment of the new experiences and people I meet. When I get tired or annoyed by any of that, then it’s time for me to unpack my bags and stay at home with my two cats =)

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